Thursday, May 22, 2008

I hereby declare...

Is it just me, or don't you somedays just wake up with the uncontrollable need to put on fake eyelashes before leaving the house?

Hoy me desperté con un deseo incontrolable de pegarme pestañas postizas antes de salir de mi casa.

I guess, I do have a tiny little diva living inside me, after all.

I guess then, I shall go here to get them so my inner diva gets unleashed!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Possible broken toe

Hoy estaba saliendo de la regadera, que es un shower-tub combination, con puertas corredizas de acrílico. Y pues no calculé la altura de la tina, y que me doy un mega-madrazo en el penúltimo dedito del pie izquierdo. Sentí prácticamente cómo mi dedito se quedaba trabado entre los rieles de la puerta mientras yo daba el paso para salir de ahí. Ví muchas estrellitas y por 5 segundos, me desconecté del mundo real para concentrarme sólo en el EXCRUCIATING PAIN que sentí en mi dedito. Ya pasado el shock inicial, traté de moverlo, y al no tirarme al piso en dolor, supuse que sólo había sido el golpe y seguí andando. Tenía que apurarme porque había que salir a varios lados, entre ellos, mi madre quería ir a ver zapatos.

So far, so good...

En la tienda de zapatos, mi dedito esporádicamente se quejaba de un dolorcito, al cuál yo no le di mayor importancia. Encontré, milagrosamente, 2 pares de zapatos que me quedaban bien, que no me acribillaban los pies al caminar y que además, estaban súper chic para mi--según yo, que no soy la más fashion--. Seguí caminando por la zapatería --que es muy grande, como un warehouse con cientos de zapatos--. Todo bien. Me encantaron otros que según mi mamá, son como de La Ratona Mimí. I happen to like those kinds of shoes, aunque rara vez los use --bueno, en parte porque no tenía, jaja-- Pero bueno, I figured que, en mi lucha por dejar de verme plain y tomboyish, ya era hora de tener zapatos más femeninos y más chic.

Pues para el tercer par que me probé, el dedito me estaba matando. Y en eso volteo casualmente a verlo con detenimiento, y estaba MORADO. Luego de deliberar en si me llevaba los zapatos o no y hacer la cola para pagar y pasar el tráfico hasta mi casa, el dedo ya de plano me dolía como si tuviera vida propia.

No, queridos (creo que más bien querido porque éste es el blog menos concurrido y más aburrido que hay), lector, no fuí al hospital. Pero según experiencia previa de mi madre, es posible que mi dedito haya sufrido una mini fractura.

He aquí su historia....Hace años, cuando yo era pequeña, en el acelere de las mañanas antes de la escuela y el trabajo, mi madre se tropezó conmigo, más bien con mi pie en la cocina, y le pasó lo mismo que a mí... se fué a trabajar y todo bien, y cuando llegó del trabajo en la tarde, el dedo le dolía cañón y estaba hinchado y morado. Pues fué al ortopedista, quien le dijo que la fractura era tan mínima, que un yeso was out of the question. Lo único que podía hacer era inmobilizar el dedo lo más posible, con la ayuda de cinta adehesiva para que sanara solo.

Así que, eso hice, y de hecho, sí me ayudó. Ya no tengo dolor constante, aunque para vendar el dedo, me dolío más que cuando me dí el golpe. Pero bueno, so far, so good.

Ahora, tendré que esperar para poder usar los zapatos que me gustaron tanto. And I'm NOT a shoe lover!!! Pero éstos me gustaron mucho. Oh well.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


I've been a little busy lately, with my cake decorating classes (I'm so tired of making sugarpaste --fondant-- roses!! Will post pics later), and running all sorts of errands.

But last week I was able to go to the movies. It was an excellent movie, made me laugh and almost cry, made me think, made me change the way I see my own life.

Here is a small sample of the movie, based on a graphic novel. I saw the English-dubbed version, and I thought it was very good. Probably ask a Francophone and he or she will tell me it was the opposite. Oh well, I had no choice and I still enjoyed the movie a lot. Now I want to get the books!!!

Trailer is also available in Spanish, Italian, French and Deustch, just look up "Persepolis" in U toob.

I'm so tired, but I will try to update ASAP.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Qué molesto es que cuando acabo de postear alguna estupidez, me doy cuenta de que ayer o antier alguien vino de visita y no tuvo más remedio más que irse del blog más aburrido de lo que estaba antes de entrar al mío.


Hoy mientras manejaba hacia el súper antes del atardecer, a lo lejos en el cielo se veía un punto negro con una franja amarilla-anaranjada que le seguía horizontalmente. Según mi mamá era un avión.. Pero no tenía ni el más mínimo aspecto de un avión..

Y desde cuándo los aviones tienen propulsores de fuego en la cola?

Y ahora, luego de haberme desvelado leyendo y escribiendo tonterías yet again, me doy cuenta que está peor la desvelada porque hoy cambia el pinche horario.

Pero al menos no estoy tan mal como el gallo que está cantando cuando son las 4:30 am, o 3:30am del horario de antes.

En lo que sí estoy mal, es que estoy oyendo a un gallo cantar, cuando hasta donde yo sabía, los gallos no abundan en éstas áreas...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chinese New Year

So Happy Chinese New Year everybody!

This is the Year of the Rat... (as in Rémy from Rat-a-Touille!!!)

The year 2008 will be a year of possibilities, a time of progress; although, it may not generally be spectacular. Those who take the biggest risks could be disappointed. Everyone should, nevertheless, add something new to their life.

Excerpt from Read the rest here.

So that is very good news, about the possibilities I mean. A ver qué inventamos ahora...

In the meantime, let me show you the food I made for you all to celebrate the New Year. (Actually, it was my aunt's birthday a few weeks ago, but the pictures seemed appropriate!)

I miss cooking for you guys...

Please refrain from licking the screen... the sweet and sour sauce is VERY hot, and I do not want to be held accountable for any speech impairments caused by the electric shock on the tip of your tongue.

All of the following pictures will pop-up to a larger size if you click on them.


So here is where I was given the title for Fastest Egg Roll "Roller" of the West!!!!

I rolled up 30 egg rolls in about 30 minutes, with a crowd of people watching because it was a last-minute addition to the menu and they arrived while I was still cooking. I felt like I was doing a cooking demonstration in the middle of a tornado. More on that ahead...

Next, the end product, a crispy, crunchy, very tasty Golden Egg Roll.

I know it looks a bit different than the ones I used to make back home. I cheated a little bit this time, and used frozen Egg Roll Wrappers instead of making the crepes myself. I actually wanted to make everything from scratch, but I had very little time to cook. In the end, they still came out delicious and it was less work!!

And finally, the lovely Egg Roll drizzled with Sweet and Sour Sauce!!!!

(Insert applause and sounds of people salivating)

Over to this side, we have the wonderful Fried Rice Explosion.

I had a bit of a hard time tossing it in that huge wok, as you can judge by the rice scattered over the stove.... Since the house has an electric coil stove (which I hate), the wok has to sit on a ring over the metal coil so it will heat evenly. The problem with this, is that it spins and slips around. Hence you will see an extra pair of hands holding on to the wok. Nonetheless, rice still flew all over the place.

The picture was actually taken while I fumbled to catch all the baking sheets and bowls that were sitting on the dish drainer. My mom was trying to clean up while I tossed and suddenly they started to fall all over the place, or I should say, all over me cause the sink is right next to the stove...

You´ll also see a second pot on the back burner, full of already-made fried rice.... Cubans eat A LOT OF RICE.

It was a bit nuts, with all the egg roll-rolling-demonstration, the rice tossing-explosion and 13 Cuban ladies talking VERY LOUDLY..... ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!

But, all's well that ends well. This food was actually cooked to celebrate my aunt's birthday with her family. So of course, there had to be a cake. Unfortunately, she has diabetes, and I didn't have time to experiment with a new Sugar-Free recipe. (I keep saying I didn't have time because the night before, it was decided that we would cook this dinner!).

So, being in the land of plenty that I am, I bought the cake which is made especially without added sugar. I did, however decorate the cake a little bit, just so it wouldn't look totally store-bought.

These are some of the icing flowers that I learned how to make over the summer...

Come back again soon!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Oh for the love of god

What's the matter with the weather?!?!? IT'S F/·$%·"@!* FREEZING!! I've had to get my wool coat, turtleneck sweater, scarf and gloves out of storage...

This is like being in the twilight zone.....

There's even a frost watch, and they said in the news to bring your plants inside the house and put sweaters on your pets...

Current temp: 1.9 Celsius .....I'm not kidding.

And to think I got rid of most of my blankets... at least I kept the flannel pajamas!

Yours truly, frezzing in Not-so-sunny-Florida.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Cold Front

It has been said that a cold front will be affecting my current geographical location.

I have to get my coat out of the closet and let it ventilate. It hasn't been used in such a long time. But I doubt I will be using it. Here they tend to make a big fuss of weather forecasts... and almost 80% of the time, the opposite happens. So I'm not really expecting too much cold anyways. IT will be nice, for a change.

However, the wind... extremely strong. My desk is right in front AND next to 2 windows... And the wind is fiercely howling. I think I will have to put some music on so I can actually go to sleep and not have to worry about the WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOing that is now constantly roaring next to me. I'm actually somewhat afraid to move the blinds aside and look out the window in the overwhelming darkness of night....

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas wishlist....fulfilled

I think I hadn't been this excited about my Xmas gifts since I believed in Santa Claus... Case in point, I have absolutely no complaints. My new additions are:

A lovely silicone rolling pin, which lets you roll out dough without it sticking to the pin. The cool thing is, you have minimal need of flour to prevent sticking, thus your pastry turns out very tender. I just wish I had gotten it before Xmas so I could've used it for my cookies. Oh well. I'm still happy I got it! If you'd like to get one, you can go here (yes, it's one of my favorite stores in the world) or here.

I've been dying to get a Kitchen Aid Hand Mixer...since I don't know how long. And thankfully, my wish has come true. The cool thing is, it's also has a super slow speed so you don't make a mess with the initial beating, it also has enough power to mix a very thick batter, such as cookie dough! And also, a set of red color-matching melamine mixing bowls, courtesy of Williams-Sonoma. And what can I say, I simply love Kitchen Aid products Some women go crazy about clothes, shoes, handbags. I go crazy about kitchen tools, gadgets, appliances... Have you noticed?

I also got a mini food chopper , which I like for chopping nuts, or hard candy so it doesn't all go flying across the chopping board and counter. The food processor chops too much, so this is pretty good. Also good for an arm workout from all that pushing down.

A pajama set, with T-shirt, pants and shorts, with cute penguins. Very comfy and cozy.

The complete series of My So-Called Life in a DVD box set. I can finally throw away the VHS tapes I recorded... The show takes me back to junior high school, plaid shirts, lumberjack or combat boots, rock concert T-shirts, etc. Teenage angst is deliciously painful-sweet-funny-sad, especially in the nineties.

And to top it all off, I was given a Panini Press from a friend who received one for Xmas, and she gave me the "old" one. Granted, the "old" one is only 1 year old and has been used very few times.

A dear dear friend also sent me a very sexy and very cool blue top, which I hope I can use in a few months, once I lose the holiday weight.

Before I finish this show-off list, I also have to thank J for her gift. Initially, it was a Birthday gift, but it ended up arriving in December instead. I now also have a snowman cake and snowman muffin silicone pan set, a huge Baking handbook binder with all sorts of neat things, and the DVD of one of my favorite movies.

Jess, me hiciste la Navidad antes de que fuera Navidad. THANKS!!

I hope all of you also got what you wanted for Christmas...


Bueno, after sleeping in late (at last), I feel refreshed now. New Year's Eve celebration was quite dull. I've never been a fan of that party. But oh well. I played along with the grapes (which I could not finish eating because I was so full from dinner), the hats, the noisemakers and the hippocritical kiss and hug, mostly with people I'm not really close to. But anyways.

I haven't uploaded the cookie pictures yet. I'm waiting for my computer memory to arrive. I do love this about this country... You can buy ANYTHING by mail, and it actually arrives!! Mexican postal service is so unbelievably BAD. Yesterday I was told by a friend, that he JUST RECEIVED a postcard I sent back in NOVEMBER. Hello?!?!?! The Xmas card I sent him will be arriving by Easter!

Anyways, after my rant about the Crappy postal service over there.., I was trying to convey that I'm awaiting for computer memory for my dear old iBook. I also got an upgrade to the operating system so I can actually use the iPod I got as a gift.

Speaking of which, I must show off my Christmas gifts. I must've been so very good this year...